The gradual decrease in fossil fuel resources necessitates the efficient use of energy resources, the research of new energy resources, the development and use of new energy systems, and the training of qualified people who can work in many fields related to energy efficiency and energy.
Energy Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary department and provides basic engineering knowledge and skills in areas such as energy production, conversion, electrical systems and energy management (buildings, transportation, industry, etc.) related to energy resources, energy policy, energy economy and related environmental problems. aims to give.
Our students who graduated from this program and become Energy Systems Engineer, besides energy production, distribution, energy planning and economy;
Hydro-electric systems and efficiency analysis,
Solar energy systems production and analysis,
Wind energy systems, Geothermal energy,
Nuclear energy and nuclear energy reactors,
Hydrogen Energy
Evaluating the environmental effects of alternative energy systems,
Some institutions where our graduates can find job opportunities; Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EIE), Turkey Electricity Transmission Company (TEIAS), Boron Institute, Turkey Pipeline Inc. (BOTAŞ), Türk Petrol Rafineleri A.Ş. (TÜPRAŞ), State Hydraulic Works (DSİ) etc. In addition to the opportunity to work in public and private organizations such as, they can work in similar institutions and organizations abroad as well as in the country.